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By James Brown
Some of the more elderly members of the family will feel better about the aging process if someone takes responsibility for setting guidelines on Family Elder Care issues. Many families do not want to think about their parents getting old and passing away, and they certainly do not want to think about them being sick for years before their death occurs.
There are certain guidelines that can be established by many people to make the last years of life very peaceful. Many people are protective of their privacy and family members might not be aware that they have a family member with a terminal illness. The pointed remarks about getting old and bones are just wearing out might be just a way to disguise the symptoms of bone cancer.
With old age comes the chance for elderly members of the family to be afflicted with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of Cancer. When family members begin setting guidelines on family elder care responsibilities, they must consider what the wishes are of the family member that is afflicted with these maladies in their later years.
Some elderly people are quite adamant about how much information is known about their health and personal finances, and others simply might not want to become a burden to their children. Caring family members who might have to make life and death decisions one day might find it very helpful if they discuss all aspects of growing old with their family member and not wait until they are on their death bed to find out what to do after they have gone to a better place.
Many estate planners are quite capable of ironing out all of the details of how any individual might want to live during the last years of life. They may have taken the time to create a Last Will and Testament to guide family members after their death or the legal document can speak for them after the death has occurred. Elderly people have plenty of time to sort out their wishes and will usually keep their Last Will and Testament on file with their attorney of record.
Other people have strong feelings about how they want to be treated before and after death. They will establish a Living Will and make sure it is on file with the family attorney and the hospital where they receive their treatments. An elderly person of sound mind and body is quite capable of setting guidelines on Family Elder Care and making sure that their wishes are known to everyone in the family before they pass away.
They can prepare for their own future by setting guidelines on family elder care responsibilities that surround the use of their organs after death, and trust their family members to honor their wishes. They might leave a video record behind to take care of any conflicts that might occur instead of leaving it up to children to deal with other siblings that might have different views on life and death.
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