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By Dominik Hussl
Why are Bicycle Gas Motor Kits Becoming so Popular in Modern Society in the United States?
Ever since the emphasis in the country has shifted from personal indulgence to personal responsibility, people have begun to realize the impact their own individual decisions make on our environment as well as our economy. This realization is largely in part due to the growing pressure from the green movement, which largely supports bicycle gas motor kits for a number of different reasons. For example, these bicycle motor kits are helping to reduce the amount of green house gases emitted into the atmosphere as well as help to decrease our countrys dependence on foreign oil, leading toward energy independence.
In addition to the green movement, many consumers have realized that by purchasing or converting an ordinary bike into a motorized one, they are saving huge amounts of money. For example, the money saved just by eliminating the cost of fuel to fill a car, parking fees, automobile insurance, and the general maintenance of a car is usually more than enough to cover the cost of one of these bicycle gas motor kits. Thus, the decision is made so easy for many.
On the other hand, there are also many consumers that are interested in these bicycle gas motor kits for recreational as well as practical purposes. Many young adults are now finding themselves riding along on their way to classes on a crowded college campus without the hassle of sitting in line while waiting on a parking spot, only to walk for a long distance, and hopefully arrive in time. These same students might decide when the week is done to use their motorized bikes for recreation. If a bike has been modernized with a motor kit, the rider can still use the bike as a traditional push-pedal bike, but can switch the motor on if needed or if desired. The possibilities are endless, which make these bikes so popular.
What Types of Motors Typically Come in these Bicycle Gas Motor Kits?
There are several different types of motors that can be used to convert an ordinary bicycle into a motorized bicycle. For example, there are two stroke, four stroke, and electric motors available, depending upon the desire of the rider. A two stroke engine is the most basic design and requires the rider to use a mixture of gas and oil, which should be mixed prior to riding the bike. A four stroke engine is a little easier to ride and does not require the oil and gas mixture. The life of these motors tends to be a little longer. Finally, electric motors are definitely quieter and have a little more power than gas motors. They can also be powered by using different voltages.
Is it Difficult to Install a Bicycle Gas Motor Kit?
Installing one of these motors to a traditional bike is not difficult at all. The kits all come with very detailed instructions, which will explain how to measure, install, and maintain the motor.
About the Author: For more information on
Motorized Bicycles
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