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Submitted by: Jonaha Knaacik
Fifty years ago, cosmetic dentistry was something only the privileged could afford. A perfect smile was something that you only saw in movies and magazines, but in today’s world, the smile of your dreams is attainable. Modern cosmetic dentistry is not only accessible, but affordable. Dental implants, teeth whitening and bleaching, and veneers are available to improve the appearance and health of your teeth.
Technology has improved so much that cosmetic dentistry is now common in society. The procedures can be done quickly and for less money. Soon, things like metal braces and metal crowns will be a thing of the past because of new material and better dental technology. Cosmetic dentists can now straighten teeth without the hardware and dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.
In the far distant past, dentists used harmful chemicals for teeth whitening and even carved dental implants out of wood. There are teeth whitening products available now that can strengthen your teeth as well as whiten. Dental implants have also come a long way. Some implants are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
In the past, dental implant procedures were long and painful. Today, it only takes two visits, during which a local anesthetic makes the process pain-free. Dental implant treatments require your cosmetic dentist to drill a small hole into your bone to place a titanium screw. This is what the permanent implant will be attached to.
The alignment of teeth is a big portion of cosmetic dentistry. Metal braces are slowly becoming less popular among patients. People have found the plastic, removable, clear retainers to be a better option to straighten their teeth. This eliminates the sores that often accompany metal braces and the need for teeth whitening to get rid of the marks that are left from the posts once they are removed.
Convenience is something cosmetic dentistry aims for. Many of us had to go through the stage where we wouldn’t smile because we didn’t want our braces to forever go down in history. Clear alignment retainers let you avoid this. Another advantage is being able to take them out while you eat and when you brush and floss your teeth. This makes proper dental hygiene easier for kids to keep up.
Dentures used to be the only option for those with missing teeth in cosmetic dentistry. These are uncomfortable and often cause dental problems such as bone loss. Dental implants have nearly replaced the need for dentures. Cosmetic dentists can now permanently replace the teeth, making them easier to clean. Teeth whitening options are becoming more and more numerous as well.
More and more cosmetic dentistry advancement is taking place in today’s methods of dental implants, teeth whitening, and cosmetic dental surgery all the time. Soon the perfect smile will be available to everyone. Another addition to the dental world is 3-D images of your teeth displayed on state of the art dental software.
Products for teeth whitening in cosmetic dentistry are becoming more available to those looking to whiten at home. A white smile is now perceived as a healthy smile, so there is no doubt that at-home teeth whitening products will become more and more popular. In just a few short minutes, you can have a noticeably brighter smile. Of course, it is a good idea to check with your dentist before doing any over the counter teeth whitening jobs to see if it is safe for your teeth.
About the Author: Jonah and his family for 7 generaions have been in the news business reporting on national and local sories
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